The next time you’re chasing waterfalls, take a moment for a quick mood check. Chances are, simply being in the presence of these natural showers can evoke a sense of calm, brighten our outlook, and help us feel better overall.  

The positive effect of this natural therapy could be attributed to several factors such as the beautiful surroundings, the soothing sounds of rushing water … and an abundance of ions. 

We may not think of ions as good-vibe producers, but these naturally occurring particles found in atoms and molecules surround us daily even though we cannot see them. Typically, the closer you are to nature, the greater the number of atmospheric ions. 

For example, in St. Paul, Minn. near to ISO-Aire offices, our ion meter calculated 210 ions per cubic centimeter. Ion levels in densely populated urban areas tend to be lower because of airborne pollution and contaminants.

Heading to the countryside, away from city pollution and congestion, our air ion counter increased on average 500 to 900. Let’s say you were outdoors during a lightning storm, that number would increase again as bolts of electricity emit additional air ions. Another naturally occurring source of energetic ions results from cosmic rays that reach the earth.

Standing next to a waterfall ions increased substantially, ranging between 4,000-5,000. The reason being, as water droplets are emitted, they crash into each other and onto the surrounding area. An electrified spray from the molecules saturates the air which results in an increased number of ions. Crashing waves also release a high number of atmospheric ions. 

These tiny, charged particles fill indoor spaces, too, but often there are far fewer naturally occurring air ions inside buildings, schools, and homes. This is due to a lack of fresh air being brought into the building envelope resulting in a continuous recirculation of stale air. 

However, a proven technology – bipolar ionization – purposefully adds positive and negative ions to a room, office building or airplane and effectively works to purify the air. This indoor air filtration method has been popular in Europe since the 1970s. Now, big names in the US, such as the renowned John Hopkins Hospital and the giant Los Angeles International Airport are touting the benefits. Even Google Headquarters is adopting the technology into its HVAC. 

Ozone-free bipolar ionization, available in our ISO-Aire clean air filtration units, involves a high-tech component that splits molecules in the air into positive and negatively charged ions. As these ions are dispatched into a space, they actively cluster around airborne particles like mold, viruses, bacteria, and even allergens like pollen. The ions ultimately help to make these particles bigger through agglomeration, which allows the clusters to be more easily captured in HVAC air filters. The ions also physically affect viruses and other pathogens. In the case of viruses, ions affect the molecular structure of the protein coat that is a key part of the infection process. With the proteins altered, they cannot infect our cells, and thus cannot make us ill. Ionization is also effective in reducing odors from pets, VOCs, and smoke. 

It is critical to test indoor ion counts after installation to confirm proper levels in your facility. The best results come from in-space applications near to the source, such as portable filtration units, rather than duct mounted ionizers due to ions’ limited :60-second lifespan. Ions only keep their charge for a brief amount of time. By the time they are channeled through a duct or air vent their lifespan can expire and they are no longer effective in destroying potentially harmful pollutants. Utilizing a portable air filtration solution that houses ionization, such as an ISO-Aire unit, continuously floods a space with positive and negative ions to ensure high ion counts for effective air purification.