Viewing entries tagged
HVAC Repair

Luci Ancora Adds "Aria Fresca" to Welcoming Space

Luci Ancora Adds "Aria Fresca" to Welcoming Space

St. Paul's popular Luci Ancora Italian restaurant recently installed a new ISO-Aire RSF500, complete with three layers of medical-grade purification technology including a medical-grade HEPA filter, ozone-free bipolar ionization, and UVC sterilizati…

St. Paul's popular Luci Ancora Italian restaurant recently installed a new ISO-Aire RSF500, complete with three layers of medical-grade purification technology including a medical-grade HEPA filter, ozone-free bipolar ionization, and UVC sterilization.

Step inside Luci Ancora, a vibrant Italian restaurant in St. Paul's Highland Park neighborhood and you feel right at home. Here you'll find a cozy wood-burning fireplace, handmade fresh pasta entrees, and most recently clean indoor air with the addition of an ISO-Aire purification unit. According to co-owner Maria Gans, her staff has affectionately named their newest member Aria Fresca, which means "fresh air" in Italian.

"Our goal has always been to help guests feel at home, as if they're in their own dining room. So adding this layer of protection is a long-term investment on behalf of our employees, our customers, and our neighborhood," explained Gans. "When we are able to re-open for in-dining service we know clean air, pure of any harmful particles, will be essential in operating a safe restaurant business here in St. Paul. We're adding peace of mind via cleaner indoor air to improve Luci Ancora's ambiance."

The restaurant's RSF500 houses three layers of clean air technology including medical-grade HEPA filtration, ozone-free bipolar ionization and UVC sterilization to capture and destroy 99.99% of harmful airborne pathogens, mold, pollen, VOCs, and dust. Developed and manufactured in St. Paul with U.S.-made parts, ISO-Aire delivers proven mitigation strategies that exceed the minimum requirements for indoor air quality established by ASHRAE and the Centers for Disease Control. The in-space purification models provide clean air effectively and efficiently 24/7.

"Our servers and staff are like family, and we want them to be safe and feel safe here," Maria explained. "We're all working to return to some kind of normalcy and this added layer of protection is key."

Green Meadows Schoolhouse

Green Meadows Schoolhouse

A Strategic Plan and a Safe Space: Green Meadows Opens Doors to Children of Essential Workers


Operating safely and with confidence during COVID-19 has been the guiding course of action at Green Meadows Schoolhouse in Lewis Center, Ohio. This welcoming child-care center – with a family-centered mission to help children grow – applied for an emergency pandemic license during COVID-19 closures to remain open and provide care for the children of essential workers.

Owner Leah Kayes implemented a Health & Safety in Education Operating Plan created in partnership with education consultant Robert Kania. One mandatory safeguard required the school establish an isolation room that could be utilized if a child or staff member were to become COVID-19 symptomatic. Kania’s team installed an ISO-Aire clean air technology system offering the highest level of indoor air filtration.  

While the room is at-the-ready, fortunately it has not been utilized as a quarantine space. For now, the school community can breathe easier amid the challenges that come with caring safely for young children in the throes of a national pandemic. And, teachers can use the room with recirculated clean air for other learning activities.


“Having an isolation room, based on Centers for Disease Control guidelines is necessary in the event a child would experience a temperature spike or any other COVID-19 symptoms,” explained Kania. “They can be kept safely in quarantine in the ISO-Aire room until a parent or guardian arrives. Sanitizing the air for the children, teachers and the community is a mandatory safety measure.”

In creating this space, Kania collaborated with ISO-Aire. The clean air technology features proven medical-grade filtration components including a 12-inch HEPA filter and UVC sterilization to ensure the highest level of protection – and peace of mind. ISO-Aire continuously recirculates air in this quarantine room, capturing and destroying 99.99 percent of potentially harmful airborne particulates. 

Kania explained that the CDC publishes guidance and states add their own requirements and guidelines; but implementing these protocols can be a challenge. “Sometimes what’s on paper doesn’t translate to real world applications, so our operating plan helps schools move step-by-step through the process. Inside the quarantine room, ISO-Aire exceeded the criteria benchmarks we are upholding to ensure a safe space where parents can drop off their children with confidence and where Leah and her team care for them safely.”

Emerging evidence and clean indoor air advocacy from public health officials is urging leaders to invest in further research to understand how COVID-19 can be transmitted via airborne particles. One of the most important safeguards in minimizing exposure is to purify indoor air to remove any trace of harmful contaminants. Microscopic particulates, such as COVID-19 particles measuring .1 - .12 microns in diameter, can penetrate the lungs and bloodstream when inhaled, posing a dire threat to human health. ISO-Aire clean air technology captures and destroys 99.99 percent of potentially harmful airborne contaminants 24/7.

Contact us to determine if ISO-Aire may be a high-performance solution for your school. Our patent-pending, medical-grade clean air technology, protects students and staff in a variety of settings - from classrooms and gymnasiums to libraries and common areas. Installation can be customized to individual application needs in a variety of indoor environments.

ISO-Aire offers the highest level of protection on the market and our proven mitigation strategies exceed the minimum requirements for indoor air quality established by ASHRAE and the Centers for Disease Control. The ISO-Aire easy-to-install units are manufactured in St. Paul, MN with U.S.-made components.

CDC Offers Update on School Reopening Guidance with Emphasis on Cleaner Air

CDC Offers Update on School Reopening Guidance with Emphasis on Cleaner Air

ISO-Aire air purification models can be installed in almost any commercial space configuration from office buildings to gyms to child-care centers. Plug ISO-Aire into a standard electrical outlet, turn the unit on, and it immediately begins cleaning…

ISO-Aire air purification models can be installed in almost any commercial space configuration from office buildings to gyms to child-care centers. Plug ISO-Aire into a standard electrical outlet, turn the unit on, and it immediately begins cleaning the indoor air. This particular RSF500 unit is built with three layers of unmatched medical-grade filtration to capture and destroy 99.99% of pathogens and microscopic indoor air contaminants including mold, pollen, dust, VOCs, and smoke.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) earlier this month released its guidelines for schools to follow as more students, teachers, and staff return to the classroom. The CDC announced five key mitigation strategies, such as mask wearing and physical distancing,  and additional recommendations as part of its full Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools through Phased Mitigation

When it comes to indoor air quality in schools, our ISO-Aire team was encouraged – as we reviewed the CDC’s press conference transcript – to hear the very first question from the press corps, on behalf of the New York Times, was related to proper air ventilation. Several other media outlets followed suit, trying to better understand and clarify the best-practice guidance on proper school ventilation to improve indoor air quality. 

Currently, the government’s recommendation on bringing cleaner air into schools is listed under Cleaning and Maintaining Healthy Facilities. The CDC specifically encourages use of portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration systems to help “scrub” the air, removing both harmful pathogens such as viruses and bacteria as well as indoor air pollutants such as mold and pollen. ISO-Aire utilizes a 12-inch, medical-grade HEPA filter inside our models, which removes 99.99% of airborne particulates at .3 microns. CDC explains that HEPA filtration is particularly effective in higher-risk school spaces, such as a nurses’ offices. 

The CDC also recommends an in-space air purification system that will “generate clean-to-less-clean” air flow, which is the air-throw technique used on our ISO-Aire models. Our signature approach to maximizing safe and continuous air flow involves pulling air and airborne contaminants away from the source utilizing a quiet yet high-powered fan. Our recirculation models continuously capture and destroy harmful aerosolized particles and return purified air into the building environment.

Last, the CDC suggests utilizing ultraviolet germicidal irradiation as a supplemental air purification solution. The UVC bulbs found inside ISO-Aire units work to inactivate the DNA and/or RNA of viruses and bacteria, preventing them from replicating and thus rendering them unable to spread infection. The CDC notes, the ultraviolet sterilization technology is recommended to help inactivate SARS-CoV-2, particularly if “options for increasing room ventilation are limited.” 

Schools and daycare facilities across the U.S. have installed ISO-Aire units to purify the air inside classrooms, cafeterias, gyms, libraries, and isolation rooms. With 54-years of expert indoor air ventilation and HVAC expertise our team is here to help.  Contact us for information on how ISO-Aire can help safeguard your school community. 

St. Paul College Hosts Clean Air Technology Seminar with Kevin Albers of ISO-Aire

St. Paul College Hosts Clean Air Technology Seminar with Kevin Albers of ISO-Aire

Kevin Albers, ISO-Aire developer and manager of sales and marketing for ISO-Aire, explains how the air filtration system delivers proven COVID-19 mitigation strategies that are recommended for indoor air quality established by ASHRAE and the CDC.

Kevin Albers, ISO-Aire developer and manager of sales and marketing for ISO-Aire, explains how the air filtration system delivers proven COVID-19 mitigation strategies that are recommended for indoor air quality established by ASHRAE and the CDC.

A clean air technology presentation hosted by St. Paul College, St. Paul, Minn. brought university facility managers and building operation teams up to speed on the latest in ISO-Aire indoor air quality solutions helping to protect students, faculty, and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic – and beyond. A link to the presentation created for Minnesota State, the third largest system of state colleges and universities in the U.S., can be found here.

Kevin Albers, ISO-Aire developer and manager of sales and marketing, discussed the challenges associated with effectively implementing a campus-wide clean indoor air strategy, particularly in dated facilities or inside classrooms with poor ventilation. A proven solution many decision makers are turning to is ISO-Aire, a powerful air purification system that aligns directly with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and ASHRAE COVID-19 mitigation guidelines.  As Albers noted, ASHRAE and CDC recommend use of portable, in-room air cleaners equipped with HEPA filtration to help protect students and staff by reducing airborne transmission of COVID-19 pathogens. Further guidance suggests pairing HEPA with UVC germicidal sanitization with a minimum of 2 air changes per hour (ACH), and to ensure the proper air throw for safe and effective circulation. In addition to proven, medical-grade HEPA filtration and UVC, ISO-Aire can be manufactured with optional ozone-free bipolar ionization as a third layer of protection.

As Albers explained, the innovation behind the ISO-Aire system is not in the components themselves, but in the approach used to combine them in to a portable, powerful, and proven commercial clean air solution built to last. “We didn’t invent the HEPA filter, we didn’t invent the powerful fans, but we figured out a way to engineer the pieces together into a single package that’s easy to deploy, works well, and is sized to the right space,” Albers noted. “There are a lot of products out there saying they’ll clean the air, but when you calculate the CFM and air changes per hour (ACH), they’re too small. With our units, you’ll see there’s quite a difference.”

Medical-grade HEPA filtration used in ISO-Aire models captures 99.99% of airborne pathogens at .3 microns to help reduce transmission of potentially harmful viruses like COVID-19 and emerging variants, as well as bacteria, mold, pollen, and dust.

Medical-grade HEPA filtration used in ISO-Aire models captures 99.99% of airborne pathogens at .3 microns to help reduce transmission of potentially harmful viruses like COVID-19 and emerging variants, as well as bacteria, mold, pollen, and dust.

Albers noted that in addition to COVID-19 mitigation, there’s a broader positive impact to investing in and implementing clean indoor air strategies in schools. “Healthy indoor air inside our schools goes far beyond COVID-19; looking to the future, clean air technology takes care of allergens and mold to create a far healthier space with less illness so teachers can teach, students can learn, people are sick less, and overall productivity improves.”

Many colleges, schools and daycare facilities across the U.S. have installed ISO-Aire units to purify the air inside classrooms, cafeterias, gyms, libraries, and isolation rooms. With 54-years of expert indoor air ventilation and HVAC expertise, Albers and his team at ISO-Aire’s sister company Ducts & Cleats can help.

Contact us for information on how ISO-Aire products can safeguard your school community. A note of thanks to the St. Paul College community for inviting our ISO-Aire team to share key learnings about COVID-19 mitigation best practices with cleaner, healthier indoor air.

A Space for Fellowship With Clean Air in Place

A Space for Fellowship With Clean Air in Place


Two ISO-Aire RSF1000 units engineered with medical-grade HEPA filtration and ozone-free bipolar ionization flank the sanctuary entrance at Calvary Evangelical Free Church. An ionization meter (right) measures the output of positive and negative ions, which work in two strategic ways to capture and destroy microscopic pathogens and contaminants.

Toward the back of the sanctuary at Calvary Evangelical Free Church (CEFC) in Rochester, Minn., two powerful ISO-Aire units are in place protecting this longstanding community of faith and service. The supplemental in-space air purification floor models complement the church's existing HVAC and air handling system, adding a proven layer of protection for members during worship services.

"Our congregation is pleased to see that we are doing as much as we can to mitigate the spread of the virus and having the two units in our space really sends that message," explained Joel Minchinton, CEFC facilities manager.

ISO-Aire delivers proven mitigation strategies that exceed the minimum requirements for indoor air quality established by ASHRAE and the Centers for Disease Control. Easy-toinstall and maintain, ISO-Aire in-space purification solutions are helping to clean the air and protect occupants in schools, restaurants, fitness studios, senior living centers, day care facilities, and more.

Office Space Offers Triple Filtration Protection

Office Space Offers Triple Filtration Protection

ISO-Aire air purification models can be installed in almost any commercial space configuration from office buildings to gyms to child-care centers. Plug ISO-Aire into a standard electrical outlet, turn the unit on, and it immediately begins cleaning…

ISO-Aire air purification models can be installed in almost any commercial space configuration from office buildings to gyms to child-care centers. Plug ISO-Aire into a standard electrical outlet, turn the unit on, and it immediately begins cleaning the indoor air. This particular RSF500 unit is built with three layers of unmatched medical-grade filtration to capture and destroy 99.99% of pathogens and microscopic indoor air contaminants including mold, pollen, dust, VOCs, and smoke.

Aspen Equipment has been helping customers succeed with truck equipment sales and rentals since 1926. For three generations, the family owned regional business has provided outstanding service while creating a caring environment for employees, as is highlighted in this testimonial featured on their website:

 “It’s great to work for an employer that truly cares for the employees.”

 Aspen Equipment took proactive steps recently to purify the air inside their office space by installing an ISO-Aire RSF500 featuring powerful medical-grade HEPA filtration, bipolar ionization, and UVC sterilization. When bundled together these three proven filtration components work in an offense-defense type strategy to proactively protect occupants by capturing and destroying 99.99% of potentially harmful contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, mold, pollen, VOCs, smoke and dust.

ISO-Aire, manufactured in St. Paul, MN, uses only U.S.-made parts and is particularly effective in higher occupancy environments such as fitness studios, restaurants, hair salons, places of worship, senior living facilities, and schools. The new RSF500 is well-suited to purify the air inside mid- to small-sized spaces. Customers can breathe easier knowing our clean air technology delivers proven mitigation strategies that exceed the minimum requirements for indoor air quality established by ASHRAE and the CDC.

Colorado Businesses Rewarded for Bolstering Covid-19 Mitigation Strategies Such As Improving Indoor Air Quality

Colorado Businesses Rewarded for Bolstering Covid-19 Mitigation Strategies Such As Improving Indoor Air Quality


A new voluntary state program rolling out in Colorado offers props to businesses that go above and beyond in implementing added COVID-19 mitigation strategies. The 5 Star State Certification Program encourages businesses to do more than is required by health and safety guidelines in order to decrease COVID-19 transmission. For example, this may involve steps toward improving indoor air quality with HEPA filtration, such installing as a commercial ISO-Aire purification unit to remove up to 99.99% of harmful airborne pathogens and pollutants.  In return for their overall investments, businesses earn perks – such as reopening sooner, increasing their occupancy, and receiving recognition within their communities for their proactive efforts.

So, in looking at the fitness category as one example, what exactly are some of the qualifications a gym owner would need to meet to achieve the Five Star status? One requirement by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) is to mandate a reservation system for improved tracing and monitoring. As for ventilation and air quality, there are currently no requirements. But studios and gyms that take steps to clean their indoor air with HVAC improvements, add HEPA filtration appropriate for the space, and/or leave windows open permanently would check the box toward their rewards. In a variety of settings, including many fitness studios, ISO-Aire clean air technology ensures 99.99 percent of harmful viruses, bacteria, pollen, mold, dust, and VOCs are captured and destroyed.

Each Colorado county has discretion over whether they will implement the program. Specifics on the framework of the 5 Star State Certification program established and managed by the CDPHE can be found here. There are specific checklists of mitigation strategies specific to businesses, gyms and fitness studios, restaurants, personal services, and indoor event management.

For information on ISO-Aire solutions protecting the air in gyms, schools, restaurants, salons, and businesses, visit us at  

Workplace Wellbeing Starts with Clean Indoor Air

Workplace Wellbeing Starts with Clean Indoor Air


As employers navigate the fallout of a global COVID-19 pandemic, positive steps toward increased employee engagement and wellness are a top priority. While we cannot fully prevent ourselves and our employees from becoming ill, one of the most responsible steps small business owners can implement is creating a clean indoor air strategy to greatly reduce risk of transmission. Proactive mitigation steps toward a safe environment will yield a long-term benefit in protecting and sustaining their workforce, their customers, and their future.  

COVID-19 is one of many respiratory viruses transmitted through tiny aerosol droplets that can remain suspended in the air, so investing in an in-space, portable air purification system is a smart move on several levels:

  • First, help employees breathe easier by bringing clean air to your business. Choose a medical-grade commercial purification unit engineered with unmatched components, such as ISO-Aire. Our models feature proven technology to capture and destroy 99.99% of pathogens, as well as mold, dust, VOCs, smoke, and toxins known to trigger allergies, asthma, migraines, and other physical and psychological complications.

  • A 2000 Harvard study examined PTO data collected on a group of 3,000 employees working throughout 40 buildings and looked specifically how cleaner air impacted employee sick leave. Researchers concluded that those who were officed in moderately ventilated spaces were 53% more likely than those in highly ventilated sections to take sick days. The bottom line: an estimated $480 per employee could be saved through preventive measures totaling as much as $22.8 billion annually.

  • Finally, healthier and happier employees lead to increased productivity. A 2015 Centers for Disease Control Foundation (CDC) study revealed the financial burden of employee absenteeism adds up to $1,685 per employee per year, or $225.8 billion annually. For smaller businesses, this impact has a ripple effect given an ill employee away from work represents a larger percentage of the overall workforce. This often requires team members to fill the gap and assume additional responsibilities, or managers may have to place a hold on workflow.

A return to normalcy at work is appealing. In fact, 41% of workers say they’d prefer to return to their workplace once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. That is what prompted Bill Lee, President of MRL Companies, to install two ISO-Aire units in his St. Paul, Minn. office equipped with HEPA filtration and ozone-free bipolar ionization.

“When our employees are ready to return to the office, we want to give them that option,” he explained. “We’re prepared to offer a safe space where they don’t have to worry.”

Clean air is a long-term investment. Providing a safe and healthy workplace of course is a legal obligation during COVID-19; but do not lose sight of the long-term impact through improved wellness, increased productivity, fewer lost workdays, and a positive workplace culture.

Contact us for an assessment of your workspace. Our HVAC and indoor air quality professionals have expertise in installing clean air technology systems in small businesses, fitness centers, schools, places of worship, and more. Email us at or call 651-265-0605.

Step Inside: Small Business Makeover

Step Inside: Small Business Makeover

Welcome to Family Salon, a mainstay business located along Cannon Falls’ downtown Main Street district. Annette Bing has owned the full-service salon for 25-plus years; and she’s been trimming, curling, and coloring hair here for more than 30. Annette is known for her friendly and gregarious presence in this Goodhue County community located just south of the Twin Cities.

Family Salon is housed inside the iconic brick 1887 Yale Hardware building, where initially the thought of installing an indoor air filtration system via duct work may seem daunting at best. Working in historic buildings is never short on surprises as many contractors can attest to.

But, when Annette was looking for indoor air technology to help reduce and remove both airborne contaminants during the COVID-19 pandemic and odors, she turned to ISO-Aire. This low-profile recirculating unit came equipped with a HEPA filter, which helps to remove 99.99 percent of harmful bacteria, mold, and pollen inside her storefront.

“ISO-Aire offers assurance on many levels,” said Bing. “In a tight-knit community we know our customers and their health and safety is our top priority as we slowly adjust to a new normal during this COVID-19 reopening phase. During challenging times, we lean on one another to pull through, and we have the ISO-Aire team to thank for working with us to ensure we can breathe easier.”

Contact us to determine if ISO-Aire may be a high-performance solution for your small business, property, or facility. Our patented healthcare-grade technology, developed in St. Paul, Minn., protects the public in a variety of settings - from hospitals and dental offices to schools and restaurants. Installation can be customized to individual application needs in a variety of indoor environments including multi-room settings, examination rooms, petitioned salon spaces, schools and more.

Emerging evidence and clean indoor air advocacy from public health officials is urging leaders to invest in further research to understand how COVID-19 can be transmitted by airborne particles. One of the most important safeguards in minimizing exposure risk now is to sterilize our indoor air to remove any trace of harmful contaminants to protect one another. Microscopic particulates, such as Coronavirus particles measuring .12 - .1 microns in diameter, can penetrate the lungs and bloodstream when inhaled, posing a dire threat to human health. These are captured and eliminated inside the ISO-Aire unit ensuring clean, safe indoor air for all.

Child Care Providers May Tap COVID Relief Funds to Bring Clean Air to Their Centers

Child Care Providers May Tap COVID Relief Funds to Bring Clean Air to Their Centers


Many day care providers seeking financial support through the latest round of COVID relief funding passed last December await guidance from their state child care agency on how to apply for federal aid.

Depending on a center’s prioritized needs, those funds may be utilized for indoor air quality upgrades. Doing so can help curb transmission of the coronavirus and safeguard children, teachers, staff, and families from potentially harmful airborne pathogens and pollutants. For example Tiny Tots and Little Tykes Preschool and Child Care Center in Minnesota utilized 2020 state and federal funding to install an integrated ISO-Aire purification system that cleans the air throughout their classrooms and office space.  According to Kathy Darrow, Assistant Director, Tiny Tots applied for a Minnesota Peacetime Grant several times before being approved. They partnered with ISO-Aire to install a fully integrated medical-grade purification system that pairs portable commercial units with a building-wide solution connected directly to the center’s HVAC system. The proven filtration components housed inside ISO-Aire models capture and destroy 99.99% of harmful aerosol particulates from viruses and bacteria as well as pollen, mold, dust, and VOCs.

An immediate benefit of this air quality investment at Tiny Tots has been a reduction in seasonal transmittable diseases such as strep throat, colds, pink eye, the flu, and RSV.

“This year, one silver lining has been we’re reporting lower numbers linked to those traditional germs and seasonal bugs,” Darrow explained. “In part, it’s the purified air paired with other preventative precautions in place, such as mask wearing and limited exposure. We’ve also heard positive feedback regarding air quality from staff members who suffer from asthma and allergies; they’re experiencing fewer respiratory symptoms and using their inhalers less frequently. Overall, the air throughout our schools is noticeably improved and fresher than before.”

A few details below may help providers know where to turn as government agencies establish the 2021 grant distribution process:

  • The approved federal package includes $10 billion in what is called the Child Care and Development Block Grant funds, known as CCDBG;

  • In reviewing applications, state child care agencies will follow federal guidelines to determine what the grant monies can be used for;

  • For state-specific information, providers should contact their state child care agency, the same organization that issues child care licenses;

  • This link outlines how the $10 billion in relief funding may be allocated on a state-by-state basis.

If your early childhood facility is looking to improve the indoor air quality in your school, classrooms and/or center, contact ISO-Aire for an assessment. Our units have also been used to provide a safe space inside a child care isolation room, and other school partners have installed ISO-Aire units in lunch rooms, gymnasiums, libraries, community gathering spaces, and performance halls. We’re available to answer any questions about which type of medical-grade filtration solution may be best-suited for your space. ISO-Aire delivers proven mitigation strategies that exceed the minimum requirements for indoor air quality established by ASHRE and the CDC.

ISO-Aire Highlighted as Key Manufacturer Bringing Cleaner Air to School Classrooms

ISO-Aire Highlighted as Key Manufacturer Bringing Cleaner Air to School Classrooms


We’re honored to find ourselves in very good company in this recent article highlighting COVID-19 school mitigation strategies in SMACNews, an industry leading publication produced by the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association.

ISO-Aire is featured as one of several tangible solutions positively impacting schools during the pandemic. Our portable units built with medical-grade technology are hard at work purifying the air inside many K-12 schools, child-care centers, and university campuses across the country to help combat coronavirus transmission. Other HVAC experts from Montana, California, also weigh in with mitigation learnings.

Key benefits of ISO-Aire technology include our strategic airflow design and multi-layered filtration options. ISO-Aire units pull contaminated air away from the source and toward the unit where it is recirculated and cleaned through a medical-grade HEPA filter and optional ozone-free bipolar ionization and/or UVC sterilization. The proven components capture and destroy up to 99.99% of potentially harmful airborne pathogens and aerosol pollutants.

“We make sure the air does not flow across students’ faces,” explained Kevin Albers, ISO-Aire developer and manager of sales and marketing. “We don’t want to spread air from someone who’s sick to the next person, but rather to quickly move particles out of the breathing zone. Our units push high and pull low to create proper circulation.” 

If we can help your school community with safe, proven air purification technology, please email us at

Which ISO-Aire is right for you?

Which ISO-Aire is right for you?


Which Commercial Air Purifier Is Right For You? We’re Glad You Asked!

Ready to improve the indoor air in your business, school, or home with proven ISO-Aire purification solutions, but aren’t sure which model to choose? We’ve got you covered.

Our latest video features steps on determining the absolute best commercial-grade product to meet your needs. Outlined below are a few key points Kevin Albers, ISO-Aire developer and manager of sales and marketing, shares in the video. And of course, if you have questions or would like to talk with one of our experienced ISO-Aire experts directly, please contact us.

Clean Air Components:

First, the CDC and ASHRAE recommend improving indoor air with portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration units as an added layer of protection against harmful exposure to COVID-19 and other pathogens. All ISO-Aire products are engineered with a 12-inch, medical-grade HEPA filter which captures 99.99% of potentially harmful airborne particles such as viruses, bacteria, mold, pollen, dust, and VOCs. Our units can also house up to two additional proven clean air technologies: ozone-free bipolar ionization and UVC sterilization.

Well-Designed and Effective for Indoor Spaces:

Depending on the size of your building, office, classroom, or home, ISO-Aire has the right-sized product to purify your space and protect occupants. We offer hanging ISO-Aire models that can be ducted into an existing HVAC system as well as portable floor models with low-noise levels that plug into a standard 110 volt outlet:

  • The RSF500’s compact design is perfect for small- to mid-size areas such as school classrooms, a nurse’s office or isolation room, a bank lobby, fitness studios, and restaurants. This model is also well-suited for residential applications including homes, dorm rooms and apartments. With a 500 CFM (cubic feet per minute) output it treats a 1,500 square-foot space with 2 air changes per hour (ACH) or a 3,000 square-foot space with 1 ACH.

  • Designed with portability in mind, the RSF750 features rugged casters, non-scuff bumpers, and a built-in handle for easy movement through mid-sized areas such as an office space, day-care centers, schools, patient waiting areas, or senior living residence. The 750 CFM unit treats a 2,500 square-foot space with 2 ACH or a 5,000 square-foot space with 1 ACH.  

  • The RSF1000 series is engineered for larger-size spaces such as libraries, gymnasiums, cafeterias, lecture halls, community gathering spaces, music rooms, and performance areas. With 1,000 CMF, the unit will treat a 3,000 square-foot space with 2 ACH, or a 6,000 square-foot space with 1 ACH.

  • The RSF2000 is perfect for large, open spaces such as a manufacturing facility, a warehouse, or expansive indoor fitness spaces. The 2000 CFM unit treats a 6,000 square-foot facility with 2 ACH or a 12,000 square-feet with 1 ACH.

Whatever type of commercial air purification system you’re looking for, find your match at Or contact us directly at or 651-265-0605.

Using ISO-Aire in senior living facilities

Using ISO-Aire in senior living facilities


One of the hardest hit facets of society by COVID-19 is senior living facilities and those who reside within them. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 has made social encounters in these facilities nigh impossible because of the dangers for their residents. However, the removal of social contact comes at a great cost, with isolation having significant negative impacts on emotional and mental health.

As senior living places make changes to try to minimize isolation while also keeping their residents safe, improvements to building HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems have become a significant positive measure these locations can make. 

With over 200 scientists recently writing in to the World Health Organization (WHO) to request that they include airborne transmission as a mode of SARS-CoV-2, an increased importance has been placed on improving current building HVAC systems, as it is suspected that HVAC systems are helping to spread the virus through buildings because of how they recirculate air. 

With the ISO-Aire unit, we are taking a positive step forward in HVAC technology. Our unit was originally implemented for a major healthcare facility as they rushed to increase the number of isolation rooms in preparation of an increase in COVID-19 cases. Instead of adding an extensive amount of ductwork that would have been incredibly expensive, we offered an option that would create an isolation room at a fraction of the cost. 

To create this isolation room effect of having clean air, we have a trifecta of proven protection in our ISO-Aire unit- a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter, ozone-free bipolar ionization, and ultraviolet-C (UVC) light. Our unit is equipped with a powerful fan that continuously draws air through the unit. Along its journey, the air passes through the HEPA filter, capable of removing a MINIMUM of 99.99% of air particles equal to or larger than 0.3 microns in size. Next, the bipolar ionization device releases positively and negatively charged ions that cluster around germs like viruses and bacteria, robbing them of the hydrogen that they need to either live or keep their structures intact that they use to infect us. The bipolar ionization device also helps smaller air particles to gain mass and fall to the floor, reducing the chances of them being inhaled. Lastly, the air will pass by the UVC device, where the high-energy waves mutate the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) of the germs. 

These three technologies are proven air-cleaning technologies, each with their own advantages, but when combined, they provide an even greater degree of significant protection for senior living residents and staff not only against COVID-19, but other infectious diseases, asthma and allergy triggers, and gaseous air contaminants.

The use of UV light as a germicide has a long history

The use of UV light as a germicide has a long history


Exposure to pathogens (those that cause disease- e.g. viruses, bacteria, mold spores) is a big concern in the world of public health. Airborne pathogen worries include methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the flu, bioterrorism, and other severe urespiratory problems like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). One solution long-utilized to combat airborne pathogen spread is ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI). 

A peer-reviewed science article written by Reed (2010) examined numerous studies conducted on the efficacy and safety of the use of ultraviolet (UV) light in eliminating pathogens in the air. The article concluded that if used correctly, UV light (specifically UV-C- a particular wavelength) can be safe while at the same time being incredibly effective- thus helping to minimize the threat of airborne spread. 

As summarized by Reed, UV-C is short wavelength UV (100-280 nm) within the UV spectrum. UV-C acts as a germicide by damaging the nucleic acids including deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) of a microbe. When the high-energy wavelength hits the DNA or RNA, it causes a mutation to form between the smaller bases that build the molecule of DNA or RNA. With this mutation to its DNA (or RNA in the cases of some viruses), the microbe is unable to replicate (grow in population size), thus preventing its spread. Incorporation of UV-C into a building’s heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems is one way of cleaning the air of microbes. This is done by pulling the air using the HVAC system past the UV-C emitter. 

UV-C has been utilized in schools, hospitals, and other locations with great success, and has been documented as a germicide since the 1930s.

What is ultraviolet-C (UV-C) light?

What is ultraviolet-C (UV-C) light?

Ultraviolet-C (UVC) light is within the electromagnetic spectrum, which is divided into categories based on wavelength. Other recognizable categories include radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, visible light, X-rays, and gamma-rays.


Credit: NASA's Imagine the Universe

Our sun produces electromagnetic radiation, as do other celestial bodies such as stars and galaxies. Ultraviolet light is a shorter wavelength than visible light, and is usually divided into three sub-categories:

  • UVA (315-400 nanometers)

  • UVB (280-315 nanometers)

  • UVC (180-280 nanometers)

The shorter the wavelength, such as UVC, the more damage can be done. UVC does not reach the surface of the earth due to the protective properties of the atmosphere, while UVA accounts for 95% of the UV that does, with UVB accounting for the other 5% (Lucas 2017). This is a good thing, as UVC with its short wavelength, is the most damaging of the three to our DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, the genetic material of our cells. 

The higher energy wavelengths of UVB and UVC cause mutations in DNA to form. DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid, which is made from DNA) have 4 building blocks known as nucleotides (think of them as small legos that build a bigger structure). These nucleotides are in two categories- purines and pyrimidines. Purines include the bases adenine and guanine, while the pyrimidines include thymine in DNA/uracil in RNA and cytosine. The UVC causes pyrimidine dimers to form. 

All DNA/RNA copying and processing that is required for replication of an organism or virus needs two protein workers (enzymes) known as DNA polymerases and RNA polymerases. With the pyrimidine dimer mutation, these copiers cannot do their job, and the damaged DNA/RNA is unable to be used. 

The mutation-producing property of UVB can lead to skin cancer in humans, but with the use of UVC as a germicide inside buildings, it means an incredibly useful tool for preventing airborne infections because it leads to the inability of germs like viruses, bacteria, and mold to replicate and spread. 

The utilization of UVC as a germicide has been tested and used for over a century, and with COVID-19 posing a barrier to re-opening the economy, a wide-scale implementation of this technology is being evaluated by many businesses. With the technology enclosed in a safe barrier to prevent damage to humans, this is a safe and effective tool. 

Can HEPA filters protect you from COVID-19?

Can HEPA filters protect you from COVID-19?

Governor Cuomo announced earlier this month that malls could not open without a HEPA filter in place. 


When the news was received by an environmental health researcher at Harvard University, Joseph Gardner Allen, he was overjoyed. Gardner said “I’ve been writing consistently since early February about how healthy buildings should be the first line of defense against the novel corona virus. Allen added that “buildings are not putting in appropriate control measures.”

Allen is concerned about the current guidance in place that focuses primarily on hand watching, social distancing, and droplet precautions. Concerned about the lack of focus on the role of indoor air and the spread of SARS-CoV-2, Allen was one of 239 scientists that wrote a letter to the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, asking for them to expand their guidance on how the virus is spread through airborne means. 

Currently, an aerosolized mode of transmission is not being publicized because “they don’t want to talk about airborne transmission because that is going to make people afraid,” co-author Donald Milton, a University of Maryland professor stated. 


July 9 2020

According to the CNN article “On Thursday, WHO released a new scientific report that acknowledged the virus could possibly be spread through the air in crowded indoor spaces. The international public health agency had always recognized that SARS-CoV-2 could be spread during surgeries and other aerosol generating procedures.”

The organization went on to state that outbreaks of the virus have been connected to indoor settings where people may be shouting, talking, singing, or even just being present for an extended period of time. This connection suggests an airborne route in the form of droplets.

To battle the airborne mode of transmission, HEPA air filters may play a key role. At their best, HEPA filters are 99.97% efficient at removing airborne particles equal to or larger than 0.3 microns. SARS-CoV-2 is believed to be between 0.6 to 1.4 microns. According to Allen, “filters are rated at their worst performance, so 99.97% is the worst it will do. And that’s rated for a particle size of 0.3 microns, but smaller and larger it actually does better. So the point is that it’s capturing nearly all particles.”

If a business has the resources, a HEPA filter can be combined with other technologies such as UV light which will help to destroy pathogens suspended in the air as it passes through the HVAC system. 

Allen agrees that combining other technologies with a HEPA could be most beneficial. "No one strategy alone is going to work. But if we layer enough of these on top of each other, we can significantly reduce risks."

Study finds that UVC destroys COVID-19

Study finds that UVC destroys COVID-19


An article published by Biospace found interesting news in regard to the potential of using UVC to help combat the transmission of COVID-19. With its long history as a proven germicide (kills germs like bacteria, viruses, and mold), ultraviolet-C light (UVC) has been examined to see if it can effectively destroy the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. The answer to that is yes, say researchers at Boston University and Signify (formerly known as Phillips). 

When the SARS-CoV-2 virus was exposed to 5 mJ/cm2 of UVC light, 99% of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was destroyed in 6 seconds. A stronger dose of 22 mJ/cm2 caused 99.9999% of the virus to be destroyed in 25 seconds.

UVC is the shorter wavelength in the ultraviolet spectrum. With its shorter wavelength, it creates a significant mutation in the DNA/RNA of the virus and other germs that prevents it from replicating and thus spreading infection. 

Over the past 40 years, all of the hundreds of viruses and bacteria that have been evaluated in the past have been rendered ineffective when exposed to UV-C light

The study conducted by Anthony Griffiths, Ph.D., associate professor of microbiology at Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL), is expected to be published in the upcoming months. 
More studies will need to be conducted to see what dosage would be required to stop the spread of the virus, but at least it is a starting point to know that UVC is effective in destroying the virus. This is further confirmed by studies that concluded that UVC is effective against corona virus, as well asd other viruses.

Offering Employees Peace of Mind & A Safe Space

Offering Employees Peace of Mind & A Safe Space


Here in the land of 10,000 lakes, winter can seem like the season of 10,000 days. And this year in particular, Bill Lee of St. Paul's MRL Company recognizes his valued employees may soon be dealing with added seasonal stress particularly amid a global pandemic.

"The majority of our employees are currently working from home, but when they have the urge to get out of the house and need a safe space, we want to make sure they feel comfortable here," explained Bill. "We've implemented safeguards, such as installing two ISO-Aire units, established distanced work spaces and have clear partitions in place. By keeping the air healthy, we'll reduce risk of any spread of germs. Our team can come back to the office based on whatever their comfort level is; we want them to know we've taken every step possible.

MRL Company now houses two portable, low-profile ISO-Aire units featuring medical-grade HEPA filtration, bipolar ionization and UVC sterilization to remove 99.99% of harmful airborne pathogens, mold, pollen, VOCs and dust.

Our signature approach to maximizing safe and continuous air flow involves pulling air and airborne contaminants away from the source utilizing a high-powered fan. Recirculation models continuously capture and destroy harmful aerosolized particles and return purified air into the building environment. ISO-Aire is effective in a variety of settings from child-care centers to schools to offices.

Minimize Exposure Risk: HEPA + Bipolar Ionization + UVC

Tiny particulates, such as Coronavirus molecules, at .1 -.12 microns, can penetrate the lungs and bloodstream when inhaled, posing a dire threat to our health.

  • Utilizing an offense-defense strategy, medical-grade HEPA filtration and bipolar ionization work in tandem to capture and destroy 99.99% of potentially harmful airborne pathogens and pollutants. An added layer of protection, UVC damages the DNA/RNA of pathogens rendering them ineffective.

  • ISO-Aire delivers proven mitigation strategies that exceed the minimum requirements for indoor air quality established by ASHRAE and the Centers for Disease Control.

  • Recirculation models provide clean air effectively and efficiently 24/7.

How to Apply for COVID Pandemic Funding Assistance for Indoor Air Quality and Where to Find Funding

How to Apply for COVID Pandemic Funding Assistance for Indoor Air Quality and Where to Find Funding


The $900 billion federal funding bill passed by the U.S. Congress during the closing days of 2020 opens doors of opportunity for many Americans taking an economic hit due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Allocated dollars for small businesses, schools, daycare centers, and healthcare providers is meant to help ease the financial burden and allow organizations to implement necessary COVID-19 mitigation strategies to stabilize our communities. COVID-19 relief funding outlined in the CARES Act can be used to purchase commercial indoor air purification systems like ISO-Aire Elite Commercial Air Purifiers. Our portable units are built with proven medical-grade components and safeguard against COVID-19 and improve indoor air quality by capturing and destroying 99.99% of airborne pathogens, pollutants, VOCs and allergens. 

For organizations looking to apply for funding to bring clean indoor air into buildings, classrooms, restaurants or fitness centers, not everyone has time to read through the 5,000-plus page bill. Below is a breakout of a few package highlights by category with links to resources: 

EDUCATION: As schools and universities work to resume in-class and on-campus learning, ensuring classrooms are protected with clean air is essential. The bill includes $54.3 billion in emergency relief funds for K-12 schools, including facility repairs and improvements in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to improve indoor air quality. The bill also allocates $22.7 billion for colleges and universities as part of the CARES Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.

Read how we’ve helped Michigan State University and the New York City Fire Department remain open and improve air quality with air purification solutions.

CHILD CARE —The bill includes $10 billion to support childcare providers and enabling them to open safely. Our ISO-Aire team has worked closely with Green Meadows Schoolhouse in Lewis Center, Ohio to deliver purified air into the school’s isolation room. And our partners at Tiny Tots and Little Tykes updated their entire school facility with integrated ISO-Aire clean air technology solutions.

BUSINESSES — Relief for businesses is extensive at $284 billion that ranges from Payroll Protection Program loans to Economic Injury Disaster Loans. The bill set aside $15 billion for struggling live event entertainment and arts venues looking to step up COVID safety measures. In addition to masks, limited occupancy, and safe spacing, purified indoor air is an essential piece of the mitigation puzzle. 

HEALTH CARE – For skilled nursing facilities, long term care residences, out-patient clinics and other healthcare organizations, the U.S. Health and Human Services Department has a toll-free phone number – 866-569-3522 – to answer questions about the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund. Find information about the COVID-19 grant opportunities and guidance here and a site specifically for providers is located here. ISO-Aire commercial air purifiers are protecting residents at many nursing homes and senior living facilities across the country.  

Considering HVAC upgrades or air purification solutions? Contact us for a free consultation and demonstration or call 651-265-0605.

HEPA and bipolar ionization are the perfect pair

HEPA and bipolar ionization are the perfect pair

As COVID-19 continues to put pressure on the nation and the world, attention has turned towards improving building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Several studies have concluded that a building’s HVAC system helps to distribute droplets from an infected person throughout the building. 

With the need to reopen in a safe manner, states like New York have mandated that the HVAC systems in business buildings need to have HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters in order to reopen. HEPA filters are not just any filter. Having the highest MERV (minimum efficiency rating value), the filters are able to catch 99.97% of air particles that are equal to or larger than 0.3 microns in size. For comparison, aerosolized infectious droplets tend to be around 5 microns in size. To really top it off, the MERV rating is set at the filter’s worst efficiency, so one should expect it to perform even BETTER than the 99.97% efficiency rate. 

But there are limitations to HEPA filters. Although they help to catch particles like viruses, bacteria, mold, and allergens, they do not reduce odors, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), or destroy/neutralize pathogens (things that cause disease). They trap pathogens, but do nothing to actually kill them. 

This is why it is imperative that a HEPA filter is combined with the other big HVAC technology- bipolar ionization. Bipolar ionization produces positively and negatively charged ions by using a plasma field that generates high energy to split molecules in the air. These ions surround air particles, and in the case of viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens, remove critical hydrogen from their structures that are needed for them to infect us. Besides rendering pathogens in the air and even on surfaces ineffective or even killing them, they also agglomerate around the air particles, causing them to gain enough mass to drop to the floor and be caught easier by the HEPA filter. In regard to odors and VOCs, as they pass the plasma machine, they are split and recombined into harmless, naturally occurring molecules in the air like oxygen. 

The air particle-trapping power of the HEPA combined with the indispensable pathogen-fighting ability of bipolar ionization makes the installation of both into a building’s HVAC a great choice. 

Our Iso-Aire units do exactly this without even needing to redo the pre-existing HVAC, which is typically very costly. Providing two technologies that can help protect the indoor air from airborne contaminants and pathogens is a huge step that companies can do to protect those within, and we at Iso-Aire are ready to help you. 

For those interested in a trifecta of protection, we also offer our units to include a third proven technology that combats pathogens, which is Ultraviolet-C light (UVC). Click here to learn more.